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Our first experiences, from the moment of our conception, through pregnancy, birth and our early years of life, affect our genes, signaling them to turn on or off in an attempt to help us successfully adapt and survive. This process of moderating genes is called epigenetics. These epigenetic changes shape patterns of behavior and health that may persist throughout our lives.

New studies show that genetic information inherited from the parents accounts for approximately 25% of variation in babies and the other 75% of variation in babies arises from interactions between the environment experienced in the womb and the inherited genetic information.

The environment experienced in the womb is created by our mother's nutrition, mental health and life style.

Research now confirms that the epigenetic influence on our genes by traumatic stress experienced in the womb, during birth and early childhood including difficult birth, starvation, war, serious injury, death of a parent or sibling (including miscarriage or abortion of the sibling), divorce, neglect or abuse results in specific behavioral and health patterns that can also be passed on to our children, grandchildren and future generations.

If you have experienced traumatic stresses or know that your parents or grandparents did and you believe your health has been negatively impacted...

the good news is that many changes and repairs can be effected using a Blended Medicine approach!