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Dr. Gay's Hormone Balancing Solution ™
for Menstruating Women

Individualized treatment is available for infertility, low libido, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, and other cycling disorders, as well as period related insomnia, migraines and skin breakout. Treatments may include photo biomodulation/light therapy, acupuncture, herbs, targeted nutritional supplements and energy medicine. See also Infertility.

In certain cases, there are several saliva tests that will need to be done for an accurate hormone assessment and treatment planning.

Often, these tests will include the female sex hormones, the brain hormones that signal the production of estrogen and progesterone, as well as the adrenal stress index.

These tests are processed by an outside laboratory and interpreted for you by Dr. Gay.

If you are experiencing unresolved pelvic pain or genital pain, particularly after childbirth or surgery, Dr. Gay will help you resolve it quickly and gently with acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy and photo biomodulation/light therapy.