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Irlen™ Syndrome

Irlen™ Syndrome, also known as Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, is a perceptual processing disorder caused by the brain's inability to process specific wavelengths of light.


  • 12-14% of the general population
  • 46% of individuals with reading and learning difficulties
  • 33% with ADD/ADHD
  • 33% with autism
  • 55% with head injury, concussion or whiplash


People with Irlen™ Syndrome:

  • Live with higher than normal stress
  • Visual perceptual system is not normal
  • Miss or perceive things differently, which is often interpreted as stupidity or incompetence
  • Mistakes are made several times a week or sometimes several times a day with most not knowing why (Irvine, J.H. 1997)


  • Changes perception
  • Reduces/relieves physical symptoms like headaches, dizziness, stomachaches and fatigue
  • Improves feelings of calmness and general well being
  • Increases ability to handle paperwork, complete reading and work assignments and participate in daily activities
  • Increases likelihood of appropriate reactions to difficult situations
  • Increases sense of competency
  • Increases feelings of self-worth

Irlen™ COLOR INTERVENTION helps children and adults suffering from reading and learning problems including:

  • ADD/ADHD, Autism and Aspergers Syndrome
  • Behavioral and Emotional Problems
  • Migraines, IBS, fatigue and other physical symptoms
  • Light Sensitivity/Photophobia
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), whiplash, and concussion
  • Certain medical and visual conditions

(*Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography)
SPECT scans of the brains of people with Irlen™ SYNDROME indicate:

  • Cortex perfusion consistent with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Increased thalamic-limbic perfusion consistent with Mood Swings
  • Decreased perfusion in prefrontal cortex associated with ADD/ADHD
  • Increase in basal ganglia perfusion and insular cortex consistent with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Increased perfusion in anterior cingulate, basal ganglia and limbic systems associated with PTSD (Dobrin, R. 2005)

Irlen™ LESSONS from SPECT:

  • Spectrum Subtype
  • Genetic Component
  • Can be result of TBI
  • Head Injuries can worsen Irlen™ symptoms
  • High correlation with mood swings and depression
  • Irlen™ Syndrome worsens mood disorders and contributes to anxiety disorders; can lead to self medication with alcohol and other drugs
  • Stress induced by visual onslaught of light increases susceptibility to physical symptoms and fatigue (Dobrin, R. 2005)

For Screening information please contact:
Irlen@drgaybentre.com or 401-207-4670

For additional information on Irlen™ Syndrome: